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IC1396 Mosaic - 12 pane Ha, 8 pane OIII


APM80/f6 & Riccardi Reducer. Data Capture via Maxim DL (CdC and EQMOD), ST4 guiding using Lodestar through finderscope via PHD. Stacked in DSS, processed in CS5 (levels, curves and Hi Pass Filter). Mosaic created through Microsoft ICE, Ha and OIII frames registered via Registar (Ha mapped to Red, OIII to Blue, False green channel created via Noel's actions),. Stars partially removed via J-P Metsavainio remove stars action

Ha data capture:

Pane 1 - 1st April 2013 - 15 x 900s

Pane 2 - 2nd April 2013 - 17 x 900s

Pane 3 - 3rd April 2013 - 17 x 900s

Pane 4 - 5th April 2013 - 14 x 900s

Pane 5 - 6th April 2013 - 15 x 900s

Pane 6 - 12th April 2013 - 12 x 900s

Pane 7 - 19th April 2013 - 11 x 900s & 29th April 2013 - 9 x 900s

Pane 8 - 19th April 2013 - 8 x 900s & 29th April 2013 - 9 x 900s

Pane 9 - 30th April 2013 - 20 x 900s

Pane 10 - 1st May 2013 - 20 x 900s

Pane 11 - 5th May 2013 - 20 x 900s

Pane 12 - 6th May 2013 - 20 x 900s

Total: 206 x 900s (51Hrs 30 mins)

OIII data capture:

Pane 1 - 8th May 2013 14x1200s

Pane 2 - 15th May 2013 14x1200s

Pane 3 - 16th May 2013 14x1200s

Pane 4 - 19th May 2013 10x1200s, 7th June 7x1200s

Pane 5 - 5th June 10x1200s, 6th June 10x1200s,

Pane 6 - 26th May 2013 13x1200s, 4th June 13x1200s

Pane 7 - 2nd June 2013 14x1200s

Pane 8 - 25th June 2013 12x1200s

Total: 131 x 1200s (43Hrs 40mins)

TOTAL TO DATE (7th June 2013): 95 hours 10 mins

(30 flats / session and 50 bias, -15C)

From the album:

Atik 314L+

· 38 images
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