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1st trial at Jupiter. skymax 102 + canon EOS 1100d prime focus (no barlow), 1/3 sec, 400 ISO, 1 shot, levels in GIMP

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first images skymax 102 + DSLR

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I currently use a bridge camera for my shots. I am investing in a skymax shortly and wondered how you attach your camera? Or is this a stupid question?




The skymax has the T tread at his rear to received directly T ring mounted on DSLR camera. So you only need the T ring for your DSLR and no need of a T adapter. Nevertheless, I have a T adapter in order to use a *2 barlow [the other jupiter picture in the gallery -not cropped- is using this set up in order to get a better magnification [also using avi capture with Movrec to get *5).

see section 6: http://www.astro.shoregalaxy.com/dslr_astro.htm

Note it exist some barlow which have also the T thread on it, so works also as T adapter + 2*barlow.

Above picture is without barlow/without capture in Movrec [so no *5), a single camera shot, so rather small and it was cropped also quite a lot, The set up looks like that:

The moon pictures in my gallery are using this set up: no barlwo/no *5 in movrec capture and pictures are not cropped, the moon fits perfectly in the FOV of the DSLR at prime focus.

So I would recommand you, in case of Jupiter for example to have T adpater + barlow at prime focus. Anyhow, you will see most of other people recommand webcams for planets on top of EP. [i use the video with the DSLR, and works good enough for me/satisfies me, so I don´t really see a need for webcam today).



You mentioned bridge camera, I don´t know if T rings can be used on a bridge.

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