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No wood make neil slightly unhindged...hmm and mad rambling



Ahh a holiday weekend with visions of completing the roll off roof before the end and before the kid is born.

Unfortunately the wood didn´t get delivered...well I knew it wouldn´t deep down inside, you don´t order wood in spain 3 days before you want it and expect to get it. Ordering anything in this country is very much a zen experience. You place the order and whilst waiting are able to contemplate the inner workings of the universe and reach an inner harmony very much like yoga. The wood will decide when it is ready not the other way around...oh to get the wood you must think wood...and live wood...to be wood is to understand...

Think soil, water and sun...ahhh become the tree...

I am willing to admit that a 3 day break and not having the wood to finish the roof may have affected me somewhat.

Still, I need to waste some money as well but I don´t have much. So I have decided either a kayak or an E-book. I NEED the e-book because obviously paper isn´t good enough...although now I am thinking about it being stranded on a mountain in the cold you wouldn´t be able to light a fire with the e-book. The kayak I need because I am becoming unfit and old...[removed word] another ten seconds have gone by SEE I am ageing again..damn it aged again..

You see I could put all the books on the e-reader and take them where ever I want....or I could get fit in the Kayak and prolong the life somewhat.

It is just too big a choice so I may have to spend 50 quid on the lottery friday instead. With 110 million I could buy a blumming huge telescope and all the wood I want when I want it! hahhahahhhahahah :icon_eek:.

Ahh well back to bed ready for work tomorrow, I hope whoever reads this realises they have just wasted valuable seconds of their life! you fools!

Neil C

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You'll be telling me next "there is no spoon" :) Great entry! Sorry about the wood (or lack off...)

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