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Beginner help....please heq5/CDC




I have a 200pds and heq5 pro(syntrek)and trying to use cartes du ciel on my laptop for tracking etc. I have polar aligned at bottom of garden so i could see star in circle so thought all would be well when i ventured to top of garden and tried slewing to various stars. However once there it all went wrong, i tried originally to slew to the moon but it seemed to be pointing at the earths core! even i know it isnt there ha ha. I have setup eqmod from gps figures from my mobile im roughly in the region of 52deg n and -2 west, the same data was put into CDC but having no luck in succesfully slewing to an object. I tried tinkering with these and it did make a difference but still no where near. Clock in CDC is setup to same as PC and the objects look roughly correct on CDC's map. This maybe also a silly question but on the HEQ5 mount i presume the N has to be pointing in the direction of NCP(though cant actually see it from top of garden)or have i got this wrong? Any help will be most appreciated cant seem to find a document on this. Thanks again peoples.

Rich T


Recommended Comments

Rich, As I read this you are saying that you Polar aligned at the bottom of the garden and them moved the telescope to the top of the garden. If that is so then you are not aligned, each time you move the mount it has to be realigned so if you aligned at the bottom of the garden that is where you will have to do your stargazing from. Once you have Polar aligned you will have to align at least three other stars to give a good fix, once that is achieved and you have everything correct you should be able to send your mount to any star you wish.



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