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goto or no goto?



i'm wondering if i should get a goto telescope.

bescause i dont think i will be able to find any objects in the night sky. should or shouldn't i???


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I have a goto and it has helped me greatly with my manual mount. For instance, last night I was able to hit each target spot on with the goto, those that I knew where to look anyway. I used the tour guide on the handset to take a look round and as each object came up in the viewfinder I noted where it was in relation to other stars, a help for later if and when I use the manual mount. Hope that is a help, not an expert in any way.

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Being a noob I decided it was best for me to get a manual mount first - learn how to use it and then when I'm comfortable enough with it I can invest in a 'go to'.

TBH I've spent the money on EP upgrades anyway which is better for me.

That being said, I've yet to properly set up my EQ mount and I still don't have to much bother bending the mount to my will. :)

Horses for courses! Spend the money on a swanky new EP or get a go to. You'll certainly spend less time finding and more time seeing.

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I was concerned I wouldn't be able to locate any object back in January, when I started.

I have to say it has been worth the effort, setting up manually and learning how to polar align.

Even without the scope, I feel a sense of achievement being able to observe, when its not cloudy, and locate my desired target. Finding objects manually has also helped me to remember their names.

Best Regards


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I downloaded a programme this afternoon, I was looking for a programme to log my stargazing and came across it. It is called Astrobyte and it not only helps you log but has small maps showing Messiers and NGCs. Google Astrobyte and take a gander, it's also free :)


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Thanks for the info. I'll have a look later, assuming I don't break my neck running around chasing satellites.


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