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So very new



Well thought I'd type out my ramblings here to save on wasting peoples time on the forum reading my waffling posts - at least here you choose to click on my blog and read it so I cannot be blamed for boring anyone.

I am very new to astronomy - something I have wanted to get into for a very very long time but put it off as I know what I am like and it would become all consuming and my marriage for a start might not have coped - until now - I have twin girls coming up to 2 years old and I think my husband realises that this is a good switch off for me so game on.................

I have started on a basic astronomy course at my local Observatory and loving it - its only for 8 weeks but I cannot wait for each Friday to come. We have covered inner and outer space and have just been like a big kid. I am 40 this year but feel 14 :D

I am having to save cash for a 'scope and don't want to jump in and buy just anything so I am saving and reading everything I can to learn what is out there but its mindblowing isn't it! I am buying some binos this month so they will have to keep me happy until I make the big purchase.

I hope my wafflings won't bore you all and they will be very basic wafflings but I guess I may seem more interesting the more I learn.


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You're not boring anyone Mrs R! I for one welcome your "wafflings". Congratulations on your twin girls and you blossoming interest in astronomy. For myself, it brings me much peace to look into my telescope and learn about the stars above.

I find that many like to make themselves look complicated when they write, I guess this flatters their egos but your words sound genuine and I like that! Keep posting!


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MrsR, your blog is a delight to read and I concur with all that Isabelle says...you keep writing, and you will be added to the few blogs I follow on a regular basis. I'm not an old hand at Astronomy, though I am at life itself!!, and it is always a pleasure to follow someone else's developing interest in a subject the excites the mind. Clear skies to you. XXX

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