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Hi to one and all,


Open star cluster Messier 35 (M35, NGC 2168) is consisted of several hundred stars,to which popped out at me last night under partly cloudy skies and a bit windy ,is fairly easy once you recongize the constellation of Gemini. You’ll find it just a little more than the average field of view north of Eta – the centermost of the three “foot” on the northernmost twin. In the finderscope under low power it was easy to spot.32mm first then a droped down to 25mm to have a good look round it was not visible to the naked eye but is easy to find stuck the telrad on propus and its there no probs this was my first view of this great open clusterand i like nothing more than cluster i like them better than galaxys


Messier 44 (M44, NGC 2632) or the Beehive cluster. It is also one of the objects easily visible to the naked eye and it was last night easy to find in cancer and a first for me .The Beehive is most easily observed when Cancer is high in the sky; in northern latitudes this occurs during the evening from February to May. At 95 arcminutes across, the cluster fits well in the field of view at 32mm this time a dropped down to 15mm to get a good look round and it did not fail to impress me 2 really bright ones and 7 small that were the main ones and hundreds of others was a great view and can now tick this one of


Messier 67 (M67, NGC 2682) easily found tonight star hopping from alpha cancri,this is a lot small than the behive but still as good and was easy to spota lot more yellow and blueish dots tonight in this one tahn befor 25mm let me have a detaled look around thisi would say the mag was about 4/5 the clouds did not spoil this at all another one for me to tick off


The Orion Nebula Messier 42 (M42, NGC 1976) Anoher look at his and tried to draw again beause i had a great view tonight i`ll stik the real crude drawing up but its a first pop a this a was gonna try the sp990 tonight but did not want to spend to much time out side so hence the drawing

thanks pat

clear skies always


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