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Orange balls of light above Bearsden



Did anyone see the bright balls of orange light over Bearsden, Glasgow tonight Friday 13th August 2010?

I saw two of them Northeast of me hovering and then moving slowly. I thought at first there had been an explosion but there was no noise and neither lost any altitude. One of them grew in intensity, it looked like a teardrop shaped ball of fire. It's light became less intense and shrank back to the size of the other orange ball of light. Both then moved off, I think to the north, but my sense of direction isn't too sharp. I know that there have been other reports of this phenomenon but until I saw for myself I had chalked them up to overactive imaginations. Does anyone have info on them? I live under Glasgow airport flightpath and can say with certainty that this was no conventional aircraft, if it was an aircraft. Like to hear from anyone who saw same please


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Hi Balthzar,

I think what you saw were probably Chinese Lanterns. I have seen one or two myself over the last few months. They are like little hot air balloons with a candle or flame inside to keep them in the air. If you search through the forums here I'm sure someone posted photo's of some with a good explanation. They can be a bit dangerous if they come down in a dry woodland or crop field possibly causing fires.

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I remember a spate of similar sightings over Bearsden a number of years ago, perhaps a decade. Chinese lanterns were unheard of then but with their current popularity that could be the explination.

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My wife and I saw a similar thing in SE Wales on the evening of the 15th. These weren't lanterns (I know them and have used them myself). Acouple od days later a collegue also mentioned a sighting.

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