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All Sky Camera Mark 7



This is my latest generation of all sky cameras and based on the ASI178MM followed by ASI185MC CMOS astro camera and a Fujinon fish-eye lens of 1.4mm focal length.  Although rated at f1.8, this lens lets a lot more light through than this would imply.  Image capture is provided by a Raspberry Pi 3 in conjunction with INDI software.  This is used with KStars/Ekos client software running on a Linux Mint desktop indoors.  Communication is via Wi-Fi.  The Mark 6 ASC has proved inadequate after being in use for some time. 

This blog will describe the problems of the Mark 6 and report my progress in developing this new version.

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Spacers printed fine and pretty sure they'll be alright so back to the electronics...

GPIO12 is pin 32 and GPIO13 is pin 33.  The GPIO connector has 40 pins so the right hand end looks like this :-
32 34 36 38 40
31 33 35 37 39

Now I'll check the volts on these pins and change the control states and see what happens...

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Results showing logic level of last 14 pins (2 rows of 7):-
Powered up, code not running :-
1 000 000
1 110 000

Code running, both GPIOs OFF :-
1 000 000
1 111 010

1 000 000
1 101 010

1 000 000
1 110 010

Well, this is strange!  No even numbered pins are changing, including pin 32 which is supposed to be GPIO12.

I'll now refer places to pin numbers - logic 0 = white, logic 1 = green :-
Both off :-
31 33 35 37 39

31 33 35 37 39

31 33 35 37 39

Conclusion :- GPIO12 is pin 31 not 32 and GPIO13 is confirmed as pin 33.  The book says pin 31 is GPIO6.  I can only conclude that my code must be wrong or somehow has changed.  I should add that I have not changed the code and am simply referring to the controls as the reverse of the labels.

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GPIO6 is next to GPIO12 on the HAT so I could just move the opto-coupler drive resistor one position.  OTOH I can change the source code and recompile as I should change the labels over anyway.

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The commands to compile the source code and install into the system are simply :-

cd astroberry-diy/build
sudo make install
sudo reboot

I choose to edit the source code on my Linux Mint desktop using a standard editor in the GUI rather than using Terminal to the remote system.

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I've taken the micro SD card out of the RPi and put it in my Mint machine and looking at the source code in the editor - the code agrees with the results!  It isn't the same as the backup I have on my main machine which I have been referring to and has GPIO12 assigned correctly.  I'm now wondering if somehow I picked up the wrong micro SD card when working on the ASC though I can't imagine how.  Anyway, I can now put everything right.

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Source code edited to make it work correctly.  There is a lot of redundant code that was added for controls that I no longer have.  (I was going to have an open lens with a motorised cover but decided this was too problematic so went back to a fixed transparent dome).  I'll test the current code and check that it works before removing the deprecated code.

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Hmm...  It doesn't seem to have compiled and installed the new source code.  Checked that the source file is correct in the micro SD using cat remotely from Terminal.  I'll check further after eating...

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It seems to be compiling and installing only libbcm2835 & indi_rpifocus and not indi_rpibrd - the one I want!

gina@asc:~/astroberry-diy/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/gina/astroberry-diy/build
gina@asc:~/astroberry-diy/build$ make
[ 80%] Built target libbcm2835
[100%] Built target indi_rpifocus
gina@asc:~/astroberry-diy/build$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for gina: 
[ 80%] Built target libbcm2835
[100%] Built target indi_rpifocus
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Up-to-date: /usr/bin/indi_rpifocus
-- Up-to-date: /usr/share/indi/indi_rpifocus.xml


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I've checked that the files required are in their correct directories and that the CMakeLists.txt which is supposed to determine what's compiled, is correct.

All this has worked fine in the past so I can't understand why it doesn't work now.  I've edited source files and recompiled etc. many times in the past to add and alter features.  I'm stumped!!  I think I shall have to give up for now and just alter the hardware to make it work with the present software and pursue the compiling problem later.  I may want to start again from scratch to build the RPi software system so that I can write the new blog.

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Well...  Unsoldered an unwanted connector, cleared out the solder hole (plated through) and moved the drive resistor onto GPIO6.  The controls are now both working.  It's just a bit annoying that the "Dew Heater ON" is LOW cooling and "Dew Heater OFF" is HIGH cooling plus the "Camera Cooling ON" means Dew Heater ON similarly for OFF.  Oh well, guess it'll do for now!

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Been out to observatory, opened roof, fixed ASC up on the ROR with the new spacers and that looks good - nice and solid.  Closed roof and screwed control box on the inside, connected everything up and powered up.  Came indoors and connected.  Partly working only for a minute of two then disconnected with "broken pipe".  Would seem it doesn't like my CAT6 cable.  I suppose I'll get this thing working properly some day!!!  I'll pop out again shortly and switch it all off.

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Nuff 4 now!  Tomorrow is another day week!  I have never had this particular rig working over the CAT6 cable though I have had very similar RPi astro imaging rigs working.

Maybe I'll do a new setup and get WiFi working - sometime...

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Been doing some thinking.  What are the differences between the ASC indoors and connected by a CAT5e Ethernet cable and out in/on the observatory roof?  I think tomorrow I might take one of my other astro imaging control boxes and check that out on the CAT6 cable.  I will also be test the EQ8 mount again and see if I can make out what's wrong with it.  I suspect it's the USB adapter cable.

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Have an imaging control box set up in the observatory but can't connect to it via CAT6 Ethernet cable so it seems like the cable has developed a fault.  I'll bring it indoors and test.

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Connection working indoors so I conclude that the CAT6 cable is faulty.  I shall have to get WiFi working.

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In testing the mount I found the observatory wiring was dropping volts and have traced this to the warm room power distribution unit and the power ground terminal which had come slightly loose.  Low voltage would explain all sorts of faults.

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2 hours ago, Gina said:

Low voltage would explain all sorts of faults.

Indeed that was the reason for ALL the faults!  The ASC is now working from the CAT6 cable and imaging nicely.   Initially with the camera cooler on full the camera temperature was 1.2°C now with it on LOW the temperature has risen to 11.5°C.  I think this shows that the cooling control is working.  Can't tell if the dew heater control is working without a remote current reading.  The CAT6 cable is exonerated!


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I'm now looking forward to the new moon and hoping the clear weather lasts until then.  Meanwhile, I plan to produce a new setup with WiFi.  I need to get rid of the wired connection.

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I'm currently capturing an image each minute with exposure of 32µs and gain of 0.  With cooling on LOW the camera temperature is hovering around 15°C with an ambient of 24°C in the shade but more where the ASC is, in the direct sun!  The cooling is certainly effective.  I would imagine the camera reaching at least 30°C in the hot sun, probably more.

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Camera temperature has been up to 18°C but now back to 16°C - good enough.

Latest image.


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Contrails ad nauseam!!!!  Camera temperature 9°C.


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Exposure 300µs.  Camera temperature 5°C.


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