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Any reviews on the new lightbridges



Any reviews on the new Lightbridges aspeccialy Meade LIghtbridge 10 inch deluxe


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I use a new style lightbridge and with a few mods they are excellent scopes. I know the current ones are badged as new versions but im sure they changed them about 18-24 months ago.

I added a raci finder which I would say is essential and used side by side with the red dot makes finding things easier


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I use a new style lightbridge and with a few mods they are excellent scopes. I know the current ones are badged as new versions but im sure they changed them about 18-24 months ago. I added a raci finder which I would say is essential and used side by side with the red dot makes finding things easier cheers

The new ones are better than the old ones i heared so i ordered one a month ago,but i live in middle europe and the telescope company im ordering it from says theyll come from America -i heared the new ones have better mirror cells and coliminators quite a lot of improvements but i didnt hear anything about that cheap dust cover.If its coming all the way from america wont that cheap plastic dust cover scratch the mirror????

Or have the new ones got a new dust cover?

Pls tell me if u had any problems with the mirrors or anything wrong with the scope...

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Telescopes are so overpriced.I mean for a 10" LB i paid 800 euro WHICH IS IN MY COUNTRY ENOUGH TO BUY A USED GOOD-CONDITION CAR and if i want the telescope to be better ill have to get another 200 euros for eyepieces barlows,lightsroud,raci finder,dust cover,maybe even new colliminators i mean... Astronomy is not for all people even if u like it a hell lot like me its for rich americans,russians and other spoilt children...  and that makes me angry no wonder todays children dont buy telescopes that cost as much as cars and show limited detail I dont see why the telescope companyes when they want profit dont make them cheaper or atleaset try to make them cheaper no wonder no children are inspired and want to become astronomers. (i am happy with the detail, but most people-everyone are not I have a 70-700 refractor edu-science telescope which is not good at all but it lasted 4 years and i stargazed even though i had to study a lot,each month 3 times atleaset now the tripods broken and meh the telescope wouldnt even hold when it wasnt broken when i aimed it on an object (the tripod was really bad from the start) i had to hold the telescope to keep the image in place and after having all that messing about with that 

"Department Store Telescope" i am actually happy the tripod broke :D i bought the telescope when i was 11 and had no idea what is a good telescope or a bad telescope.

I got it for christmas and on the packet there were wonderfull pictures... it costed 70 euro and no one i let it look through was happy with it when i gave anyone a look at jupiter they said that they can stair into the lightbulb across the street and say its jupiter so u can make out how detailed it was (a point of light brighter than the other stars).Regardless i saw through that telescope: 1 galaxy,8 nebulea,Saturn,Venus,Jupiter,Mars star clusters and so on I was happy with the detail because even though i had to hold the telescope to keep it looking at an object and the object was dancing up and down my arm started to hurt from holding it too long so i holded it with my head and got short glimses of all the things mentioned above which were not perfect but i remembered them and still keep them in my mind today because they were one of a kind observed by me the photons of light at that second form my location only getting into my eye.Out of all of my family i was the only one who actually wanted to look through that telescope and i do not regret asking for that telescope.Why u ask? That telescope even though it was a pain.. made it a challenge and i took that challenge and won it

I kept on staring holding it and finding objects (the red dot finder was not ok even after i ajusted it,the batteries ran out after a few days :D) and i did not give up because no chinease telescope is going to stop me from looking at what i want,what i love and read books about, astronomy what i would like to become an astronomer....

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I use a new style lightbridge and with a few mods they are excellent scopes. I know the current ones are badged as new versions but im sure they changed them about 18-24 months ago. I added a raci finder which I would say is essential and used side by side with the red dot makes finding things easier cheers

Can u view planets well with it if u buy new eyepieces?

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From what I gather the main changes from the old to the new ones are:

Better secondary mirror cell which encases the mirror better and means it is held in the holder rather than being stuck to the stalk with silicone

Truss poles and the rings on the end of the tubes are painted black to reduce reflections.

The top ends of the truss poles have a small bracket to hold the top tube in place before its boltedminto position

I also think at some time in the past they have upgraded the focusser to a dual speed one.

collimation bolts on the primary have been improved and I think the springs are better.

in general they are good scopes but like everything they benefit from some tweaks but thats part of the enjoyment.

Id disagree though about astronomy being a hobby for the rich. Many years ago a 10inch scope would be considered huge and a 12inch scope was something inly a club would have. To say these scopes are now even in reach of amateurs is extraordinary and a good 12inch scope can be bought secondhand for approx £400 which is a lot of scope for your money.

You will love the lightbridge , its good on planets even with the supplied eyepieces and you can upgrade these as you go.


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From what I gather the main changes from the old to the new ones are: Better secondary mirror cell which encases the mirror better and means it is held in the holder rather than being stuck to the stalk with silicone Truss poles and the rings on the end of the tubes are painted black to reduce reflections. The top ends of the truss poles have a small bracket to hold the top tube in place before its boltedminto position I also think at some time in the past they have upgraded the focusser to a dual speed one. collimation bolts on the primary have been improved and I think the springs are better. in general they are good scopes but like everything they benefit from some tweaks but thats part of the enjoyment. Id disagree though about astronomy being a hobby for the rich. Many years ago a 10inch scope would be considered huge and a 12inch scope was something inly a club would have. To say these scopes are now even in reach of amateurs is extraordinary and a good 12inch scope can be bought secondhand for approx £400 which is a lot of scope for your money. You will love the lightbridge , its good on planets even with the supplied eyepieces and you can upgrade these as you go. Thanks

Standard equipment includes a high quality, precision machined dual speed 2" Crayford style focuser (yes they have improved that i thank you very much for replying)

I meant rich as in to buy a telescope that would make people wow at the image you really need a big scope and sadly they cost much (much as in if ure a student :P and have no job).

Now thats a thing to consider and astronomy is mostly for rich,but i guess ure right in some point It is even for the poorer,but the telescopes for the poorer people only show dots of light which sadly almoughst everyone is put off by (most people expect nasa images :D) and u really have to live like that to know what it is to be someone else I dont know what neil armstrong felt like landing on the moon i would have to live his life (i think it was extraordinary)

and that is impossible,but everyone can make their life better to become someone not just another guy forgotten forever by time,but someone who will people admire someone,who will be in history books,and someone children would feel inspired by and say I want to be just like him and thats what keeps us humans from other species diffrent.Animals die of they dont have will power and dont do much,people have will pover and sometimes do things for science u wouldnt dream of.Everybody has this gift put most people are to lazy and dont apreciate what theyve got,but theres 7 bilion of us and out of those 7 bilion some are not....

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