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£250-300 to spend what 2nd hand telescope should I go 4?



I am 100% new to this and know very little about the observation of stars and thought I should get myself a basic telescope. I have no clue on what to go for as it all seems so complicated. I realise that a should get a better spec telescope as a second hand rather than new and is the reason I am asking. Any advice is much apreiciated. I was thinking of spending roughly +/- £250. Thanks for your help


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i`m no way a master on the matter but for that sort of money you should be able to get yourself a 6" Newtonian, maybe 8" if you are lucky on a basic mount or a new 8" Dobsonian or a second hand 10" version, no motors with these but they can be put onto better mounts when funds permit, post a wanted add in the for sale section, maybe someone can help or post in equipment help section for advice.

cheers Rob

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thanks red dwalf have checked out ebay and have found quite a few 6 inch newtonian reflector micriscope within my price like you said.

I also saw skyhawk-1145P SYNSCAN COMPUTERISED NEWTONIAN TELESCOPE this seems to have a goto motor which I presume could help me find stuff. Although does not mention what inches wide it is so am not sure whether it wll see as well as the 6 inch reflector newtonian. Any advice. Cheers.

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Also wanted to know for info if these telescopes can be used in the day to look at far away terestial objects i.e mountains ect?

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the 1145 is a 4" scope, not really enough aperature (size of the mirror) in this game the bigger the mirror the better, this collects more light enabling you to see faint things and with better contrast, and yes you can use the scopes in the daytime also, alot of people do but something smaller and easy to handle

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Ok well sounds as though the newtonian is the way forward. If I wanted to get a motor to help with the stars is it easy to get. Also in your picture is that a newtoniana? how easy is it to transport around if needed? Thanks for all your help feel as though I am getting closer. Cheers

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the scope in the picture is my first scope bought last christmas, a Skywatcher 130p auto trak, and yes it is a newtonian, this has motors on it and is very very easy to use and very light to move about, around £190-£200 new or around £130 second hand, i would recommend this scope for a first timer, good quality and excellent views.

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Thanks Red dwarf. I am still pondering. Want to buy something before mid january so may get a good deal at teh jan sales. If i find a 'motorised' newtonian 6 inch is it easy to use as a first timer or would you recomende first to just get one without the motor. The scope in your picture looks realy big and I need to send it to the caribean so hope its not too huge. also will also use it to look at the landscape during teh day and the yachts sailing by on the horizon seems as though this will be a good scope for it. Thanks for all you advice.

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