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All comming together :)

The Sailor


At last, without a doubt, all is comming together, the dome works well, rain yesterday failed to penetrate, the new layout of the OTAs worked well allowing me to see the same view through all three OTAs. The only problem I have is Ascom, installed it yesterday with the hope of using the laptop for guiding but it failed and I had to remove it, not the first time this has happened. I am looking at getting a guiding setup but have been looking at direct guide rather then from laptop because of the Ascom problem, it's a wait and see game. The next part of the setup will be setting the parfocal rings on both 1.25 and 2 inch, hope to save a lot of hassle :) So all in all it's going okay, just have to have a few clear nights :).



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I never had much look with as on drivers either,took the old shed down the other day should have the hole dug and pier in for he week end

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Hi Pat, well I am perservering with it, I want to get the Ascom working so I have reinstalled Windows to get rid of all the rubbish and will install all the Ascom software, nothing on the laptop but astronomy software so nothing to lose, just don't want to let it beat me :).

Good to hear you have started the build, hope it goes well for you :).


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