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At Last!!

The Sailor


At last, the observatory is almost finished, the only thing to do is reroute all the cables but that will have to wait till clear weather appears again. With the sun out today it was all go and ended with the mount and telescopes back in place, tonight is clear so will be out to see if all works.

I was going to get the roof fibreglassed but the weather held this up too much so went and replaced all the wood and waterproofed it, will be interesting to see if all has worked by tomorrow evening when the rain has passed.

I downloaded the Polaris beta upgrade a few weeks ago, tonight I will be putting it to the test, looking forward to that.



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Thanks Todd, well have not been out there yet, believe it or not I was hoping for more rain!!! Want to test it to ensure that it is waterproof and the gear will be okay in there, have a cam in there and appears to be dry, just to move the cables and that will be it, all up and running.

I went out last night and set up on Polaris and that was it, cloud moved in so closed up, then when I went to bed about 1am the sky was clear!! Anyway all is going well so hopefully it won't be long till I have a few all nighters :).


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Cool I can not wait for my new shed,I am just going to put two doors on the roof that I can open and close ,and then try and waterproof it some how

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Well the rain today has done me a favour, no leaks!!!! Time has come to get on and finish it, I have a few embelishments to add and do some astronomy :) .

Todd, my shed had a roof which came in two parts lengthways, this enabled me to open it just enough for the OTA to stick out, take a look at my FB albums, there is a link in my sig, it will show you what I mean. I castleated the two sides so that when thay came together they formed a seal, worked well. :)


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Looks great might do tht my self but still not sure ,you did a great job it's a concrete post I want my c gem weighs over seventy pounds it's a back breaker over 50 feet.we shll see I am going to have a good look round for one first will blog it when i do

Cheers pat

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I have at long last got the observatory working okay, the dome rotates very easy with little effort and all the cables have been rerouted. Although the dome runs easy I have bought a 12v winch with a control handle and converted it to allow rotation both ways and will install this during the week. Still work to do but that is decor and will just make the obsy look better. Just have to wait for clear skies now and get the equipment working. I have updated my photos in FB and the link is in my sig.


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