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Heavy Duty (and transportable) Mounting Solution - Recommendations Please


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Perhaps a hypothetical question at this particular point but I am considering doing something rather silly and buying this at some point in the next 18 months....


The telescope tube weighs approximately 62lbs (28kg) and is approximately 1.5m long when observing (and front heavy without additional weight added to the back of the tube). My intention would be to transport this scope (1.26m when transporting) to dark sky sites but I need some mounting advice and recommendations (especially as the lead time could be as long as the scope itself). I am still primarily a visual astronomer, but perhaps one day I may turn to the dark side and move into imaging.

My knowledge of seriously heavy duty mounts is pretty limited. Please can SGL members make some recommendations of mounts that would be up to the job, but also could be transported to dark sky locations? So advantages like the mount breaks down into component pieces, comfortably runs off power packs etc all helpful.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Clear skies,


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By then there may be a new Astro Physics 900 out - it's a possibility for sure. That could free up second hand AP900s. I'd reckon that a mount in that league is the minimum for this (very nice by the looks of it) telescope.

My personal plan is to use a 900 of sort for trips to dark sites, and then the AP1600 at home. That way I only have to learn one handset :-)

The 900 is 12v and comes apart in two pieces.

Good luck in the hunt!

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There are few mounts of a calibre capable of handling such a scope as there aren't that many amateur scopes that weigh that much. Something in the Mesu range, Losmandy Titan, Paramount MX, GM2000 or an iEQ75 would be contenders - but expect to spend ~ £10k on top of the OTA to get a suitable rig. Whether that would turn out to be portable, or within the abilities of a single operator is not something I'd venture an opinion on.

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Celestron CGE Pro, will take 90lbs Looking at £5000

Excellent in operation and I have striped mine to 4 major components ..... RA head... Dec head ... Tripod & wedge ... balance bar,weight and electronics, apart from tripod and wedge all fitted into Peli cases to allow transportation.

4 cap bolts with 2 dowels hold the RA and Dec together pretty easy to come apart and make it less gut busting when putting it all together .. it weighs a ton when together!!

NICE scope!!! :tongue:

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Mesu Mount 200. Certainly not the Titan since the two owners I know who have tried them found they could not deliver the imaging accuracy needed at long FL. The Mesu does so easily. If you are going to consider an 8 inch refractor portable then you'll consider the Mesu portable!

An aside; I thought I was a refractor nut but you blow me away! I refract up to 140mm but then I give in and reflect. Low bow, Sir!


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An aside; I thought I was a refractor nut but you blow me away! I refract up to 140mm but then I give in and reflect. Low bow, Sir!

Haha, made me smile. I have some what fallen in love with my 2 Apo refractors over the years, and now I hear the call of something a bit bigger.

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I am almost lost for words. That scope belongs in an art gallery. I thought the Officina Stellare telescopes were beautiful (always rely on an Italian to make it pretty!), but this is on a whole other level.

That custom made 3" EP is not too shabby either! Makes the T5 31mm Nagler look almost normal by comparison.


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