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Help with SPC880 and Saturn please

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Well despite my initial protestations that we wouldn't be doing any imaging, I decided that it would be good to take a couple of pics to show friends. (Is this the first step on the slippery slope?)

We have a CPC800 and were blown away when we first got to see Saturn. We got good views through a 10mm Hyperion with the two 14mm and 28mm fine tuning rings. I have an old 4Mp point and shoot camera so I left it on auto, turned off the flash, just put it on the ep and took a couple of pics. This was the best, with no processing.


This was enough to get me interested so I have bought the SPC web cam pacakge from Morgans. Last night was my first proper attempt and to be honest I'm a little dissappointed. Maybe I'm expecting too much. I've followed the tutorials on Astronomy shed, used the settings that were recommended on there, then followed the Registax tutorial on astronimie.be.

This was the final result.


I'm not sure that the problem is Registax. I just couldn't get a sharp image up on the computer screen, so I'm fairly sure that Registax didn't have much to work with.

So, does anyone have any suggestions on how I could get a better image, or is this just about as good as it gets with this set up? I'm sure I have seen better imges on here from people with the SPC web cam.

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For SPC that's not bad. To get good image the seeing must be very good. On your image you can see atmospheric refraction (blue upper, and reddish lower overline of the planet). The planet is low over horizon and it's dim, so it's hard to get a good image.

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