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Last Night's Viewing


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Saturday evening, darling daughter and her boyfriend stopped by for a visit. After the moon rose, I set up the dob and showed them how to aim it, and focus the ep. I also introduced them to filters. They had a great time viewing and asking questions. I was very pleasantly surprised to learn the dd knew the Orion constellation and could point out the belt, hands and feet. Maybe all the education money wasn't wasted.

It wasn't long, though, before her affinity for her iPhone emerged. She held the lens in front of the ep and clicked a few shots. The 2 attached are the results. I would never have thought even to try to get a pic.



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Gorgeous pictures. Is that from an iPhone 4?

I took my first successful moon pictures with my iPhone 4 - it's an amazing camera for eyepiece projection, I wonder if anyone has considered making a mount for it to fit over an eyepiece to video the planets with :)

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Yes. They were taken with an iPhone 4. The problem was holding the phone still enough over the ep and clicking the button. It was all down to luck.

I tried a selection of cameras at the eyepiece and couldn't get results as good as with the iPhone 4. It's got a great camera for recording those memories and observations directly from the eyepiece. That second picture is just lovely.

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