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Saturn early in the morning

dark star

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Put my alarm on for 3a.m. in the hope that the clouds would clear, and they did!

Had a great couple of hours looking at Saturn with my Intes MK66 150mm Mak, managed to just about get up to x450 (I think) with a William Optics 7mm UWAN eyepiece and a 1.6 Barlow, Saturn was a bit blurry, but it was nice to see it at a reasonable size for once! Without the Barlow the rings were really sharp.

I tried to find M81 and M82, with no success as usual, also various galaxies in Leo, also didn't see a thing! I think I need to plan my observing more carefully and be more patient. Also get a bigger telescope or move to the middle of nowhere, far away from London!

But Saturn made up for it. Off to bed now, I think my toes have finally unfrozen!

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Hi Dark star congrat's on getting up so early, saturn at x450 shoud look prety impresive I've seen it at x120 and that was gerat alltho a bit small but very sharp image. Unlucky about the galaxies but thay are not going anywear soon you've got plentey of time all the best.

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