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Skywatcher EQ1 woes.

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Okay, I've had a skywatcher P1145EQ1 for a few years. And enjoyed it. Only recently Have I decided to use it properly, I`ve ordered new eye pieces and aligned the EQ mount to polaris and installed the motor.

Only problem is that when It is correctly aligned, and I change views to say Orion or Pleiades the scope or the fine adjuster or the weight hits the motor or the scopes tube itself interferes with the RA fine adjuster. I have checked out a few websites and learned to spin the scope over from east to west, I've double checked the manual to make sure i put it together right and tried all sorts...

It all worked fine until I installed the motor, which went where i used to have the RA cable. so the RA cable had to go the other side. Now both the motor and the RA control cable are in the way of everything.

Basically huge areas of sky are unobtainable because all the sticky out bits seem to collide. Its embarrassing really, I learned everything from these forums, from sky hopping to collimating and i`m stumped by two rack and pinion gears, so this is my first desperate post.

What am i doing wrong?

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