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Mount for imaging, Vixen Sphinx SWD?


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I have a DIY mount idea that is being progressed slowly (a mate can help weld etc but between his DIY bathroom and his wife expecting it could be next year) so this is more of a longer term thing.

So that leaves me with considering a Vixen Sphinx SWD for imaging. Anyone have any experience of this mount?

In terms of integration I know it's possible to:

a) hook up the box and control the telescope to the PC.

;) replace the electronics with a NexSXD board which replaces the StarBook so you can control the mount directly (has star database internally) so there's less clutter hanging around the mount.

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If you are only going up to a VC200L, it may worth consider the lighter GPD2 with SS2K(used). While the SXD may be better rated, the GPD2/DX is a proven mount, has better support and if necessary can be fitted with a number drive options and upgrades. (Starbook S (SBS), Synscan, Nexstar (if you can get one off CG5 ASGT), SS2K, AWRtech's goto, dual axis clock drive ...) Also, it is much easier to find cheap used GPD2/DX compared to used SXD (at least in the UK). Potentially saving you enough money to buy a VC200L straight away.

GPD2 is rated to carry 10kg, while VC200L only weights 6.3kg, so you will have nearly 4kg of spare capacity for you camera and a small guide scope.

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