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FOUND!! A Local Astro Society !!!!!


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Just couldn't contain myself. I opened the daily bird cage liner - usually good only for the crossword and Sudoku - and happened on the news article announcing an Orion Nebula star party on for this coming Saturday night; and, it's but a mere 10 miles from my house. (Sorry, but I don't know how much that is in new money. :) )

In the article was a url which resulted in my writing an annual dues check and completing a membership application.

I can't tell you how excited I am to find this group. From the web page (full access to which I gain only after the check has cleared) it seems they even have a dark site. I even saw mention of an observatory available to members.


(Yes! I'm aware that this post is sure to upset the cloud gods and I realize that actually observing something on the weekend is probably beyond possibility, but there are kindred spirits in this neck of the woods. It might even be possible to look into the ep's of real, honest to goodness, TELESCOPES! Where is the smiley of the Irish jig dancer when you need it?)

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