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Newbie... Reflector / Refractor?

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In all truth whatever you buy you wont be happy with in the long run in this game.....I started with a SKywatcher 130PM a few years ago, just as an occasional hobby, then I got hooked all over again (done all this years ago), so I upgraded to a Skywatcher 200P on an HEQ5, then I found I hated the focuser so bought a Moonlite focuser which cost almost what a scope costs, then I found I couldnt get on with the 8x50 finder so upgraded it to a red dot, then I decided I really wanted GoTo so I upgraded the mount, then I found I neded a better finder for GoTo alignment so I forked out for a finder that costs almost as much as a small reflector, then I decided I wanted the scope flocked, and a fan fitted, and some changes to the mount hardware, and a better dovetail holder, scope cases etc etc etc

While all this was going on I went through about 20 different eyepieces, 2 power tanks and also decided I wanted a grabe and go scope so I bought a Nexstar 4SE then I decided I wanted something all manual so bought a TAL 100RS and sold the Nexstar to fund it and some extra bits.

Then I found I couldnt turn down a great price on a Skymax 180 and a Classic Unitron (twice :) )

This last christmas I told everyone DONT buy me any astro kit - I dont have time to use what I have but my sister still bought me a TMB Planetary II in 9mm. That brings my EP collection up to the point where I need an extra flight case - oh forgot about the flight cases, dew shields, dew heaters, red light torches, leads, cables, spare nuts and bolts, finder mounting brackets and the banger scope which I am restoring.

See what I mean - whatever you buy you will find something else you want in this game :D Quit now while you still have some money :eek:

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Heh, my wallet comes with a very effective throttle - my wife!

Also our daughter (at 21 months, she is a little too young for me to say my scope is educational for her, but just wait a few years - she'll be getting all sorts of odd presents...).

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