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Off-Axis Guider Problems

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Hi, I am new to this forum and I was wondering if anybody out there can help or has any advice for me. I have a scg C6 telescope on a goto cg5 mount. I am interested in digital photography and a couple of months ago I bought a celestron off axis guider. However when I attach it to the telescope I can see no image when I put an eye peice where the guide camera should go. I can get an image on the camera but have been unable to see anything down the eye piece. I have even pointed the scope at jupiter which is pretty bright and still can see nothing down the eye piece. I have tried adjusting the screw which controls the prizm but still nothing. Am I doing something wrong or could there be something wrong with my guider? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried to search the web for people with similar problems but can find nothing. HELP!!

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With an OAG, you **REALLY** need to get this stuff done during daylight hours. It makes adjusting the distances and adapters and stuff so much easier. When I did mine, it took 3.5 hours in the middle of the afternoon, focused on a distant tree on the side of the hill. It was frustrating, infuriating, but the end result was well worth it.

During daylight, get the the imaging camera to focus on some distance object (hill, tree, pylon, etc), and then (without moving the imaging camera focus in any way!) adjust the guide camera position until it is in focus. It may need to move quite a lot! Once both cameras are in focus mark the positions... or better still, never remove the cameras!

Trying to get it all aligned and focused during the night is just going to cause a whole world of hurt! Make thinsg easy and use the daylight time to get stuff working so you can use it with less hassle during those rare clear dark nights.

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