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Do I move Scope using SynScan only?

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Now that I am clear on the questions regarding the red dot setup & relevant EP to use to start with.

I am aware that I will have to point my telescope to the Star & then setup the red dot, but I don't manually move it do I. Do I have to move it using the SynScan controls.

I don't know whether my ALT-AZ GOTO Mount can be hand pointed to the stars, I just want someone to clear this up, so I don't go damage anything.


Jamie :)

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Hi Jamie, you need to move the scope using the synscan handset. Also just in case your not aware the AZ goto mount has free movement in the alt axis so just make sure your handsets position coincides with the scale on the mount, of not you can manually move the scope up or down to correct this.


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Hi Brett

"just make sure your handsets position coincides with the scale on the mount, of not you can manually move the scope up or down to correct this."

Do you mean the Mount will be motor controlled by the SynScan in ALT but may not be accurate meaning I have to make sure by manually putting it to the right scale to match the SynScan?

OR the Mount won't be motor controlled by the SynScan in ALT & I have to put it manually to the correct scale completely manually to match what the SynScan says for ALT?

Thanks very much,

Jamie :)

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Hi Jamie, the alt axis is motor driven but has some slip engineered into it to prevent damage due to the possibility of the scope striking the tripod. Your first question is correct:)

To find your handsets position you need to go into Utility func > show position then look at the alt/azm reading. Also a mistake I first made with the synscan was to enter the date incorrectly as dd/mm/yyyy it should be mm/dd/yyyy.


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Thanks Brett. You explained that clearly for me to understand. I'll make sure I enter the mm/dd/yyyy in this correct format. I put my scope together last night & found of what you meant about my ALT AZ goto Mount. The scope can be moved freely in ALT & can hit the legs of the tripod. So now I know what you mean about this.

Can you give a few tips on where to get the most accurate time for Leeds/Rawdon North West Yorkshire for scope & SynScan. Because I now know that the time has to be as accurate as possible, thanks.

Jamie :)

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Hi Jamie, I use the time from my pc which seems to work fine for me. If you need to find your lat/long position this site works well Lat - Long Finder: This page helps you find Latitude and Longitude Use the map on the site and zoom into your location you will see a flashing pixel in the middle of the map, move the map so this is exactly where your scope will be then use the details underneath to enter into the synscan handset, dont forget time is +0.00 and DST = No.



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