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Nikon CoolPix 4500 & SkyWatcher 300p

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Hi folks.

Been mooching around this site for a while and am v impressed with it's attitude. I recently bought a Skywatcher 300p Flex Tube (non-auto) and am really happy with it, but I did want to take some photos through it utilising my eyepieces. Now I know that without a tracking system that I won't accomplish any Hubble-esque master pieces, but I wondered what the limits were for afocal photography with a 12" Dob, eg, can you get any definition on planets such as Juptiter and can you even pick up any DSOs? In relation to that would the Nikon 4500 be a good choice of sun £100 camera for this? And can it be utilised in conjunction with my existing eyepieces?

I've attached a shot of my Dob and one I took of the moon last night by holding by camera phone against the 20mm GSO eyepiece.

Cheers in advance




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