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Are stars more visible during a new moon?

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Yes they are. However, full astronomical darkness (as dark as it gets) is to be had at some considerable time either side of new moon. It just doesn't necessarily last all night. There are programmes which recreate the night sky (planetarium software) available free on the net though I don't know which one to recommend. I use a bought one, Chris Marriott's SkyMap Pro. You plug in your location and the date and you can then get a reproduction of the night sky including any damage done by the moonlight. In a nutshell a week either side of new moon should be great. I certainly wouldn't waste the opportunity and would take some 8 or 10 x 50 binoculars (from £15 upwards. Upwards is better!) and some kind of map of the sky.

Have a good trip. I hope you get on with your camel...


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