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Spring time galaxies


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8.5 inch homemade reflector

4 inch Skywatcher refractor

15x50 IS binoculars

I started by observing M42 through the 4-inch refractor and binoviewer, a stunning view as always, I could not help but switch over to the 8.5” which has the same focal length (and therefore magnification) but 4x the aperture. A stunning view, especially with the UHC filter, showing numerous delicate tendrils and filaments.

Tried to find the Flame Nebula, NGC 2024, adjacent to Alnitak in the belt of Orion but without success even using UHC and OIII filters. Hmm, I'll have to work on this one - and quick as it isn't going to be around for much longer.

Quickly did a ground tour of winter open clusters: M44 (which was visible to the naked eye), the much fainter and sparser M67, M36, M37, M38 and nearby NGC 1907.

Now that the spring galaxies are appearing, quickly found M51 with its two nuclei, M63 (also visible in 15x50 binoculars), M94 and NGC 4656 as shown below. The latter two galaxies were not visible in the binoculars.


Easy star hop from Cor Caroli. Bright galaxy in rather sparse star field. High magnification reveals bright, non stellar core with elliptical nebulosity.

NGC 4656

Tricky star hop from Cor Caroli. First appearances are a delicate splinter of light but time and averted vision reveals the prominent central bulge and long, delicate arms. A unique object, well worth observing again.

The good news is that it's still clear on Friday so fingers crossed for Coma B - Virgo galaxy corridor.




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