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1000d on its way and CLS filter query....

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well, on its way to Astronomiser actually:eek:! I've just ordered one and had it sent straight there for the filter replacement, I must be crazy!

Well, I though that I'm really getting into the hobby now with long exposures and autoguiding so I wanted to upgrade from the 300d, but also wanted to keep a good number of 'pixels' and a large sensor CCD cam was out of my price range. The 1000d seemed a good option so I thought I'd go the whole hog and have the filter replaced too.

Fingers crossed it goes well and I hope I've made the right choice

I was considering a CLS EOS clip filter as an upgrade from my Skywatcher LP filter. Would this give a noticable improvement? My skies aren't very light polluted, but Coventry is to the north, so there's some orange tint on long exposures, even with the LP filter.


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ah, please ignore this post. My self mod'd 300d suddenly sprang back into life after I happeded to press the flash button and it seems ok now, so I'm going to continue with it.

However, I'll invest in a CLS EOS clip filter to keep the dust out.

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