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Saturn and Jupiter Moon pattern software

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Does anyone know of any website that you can check the moon patterns on?

I have been using the Castle Point Astronomy club one which always worked really well. But for some reason lately I just can't get it to work at all, not sure why and I can't get the download to work either.

Just wondered if there was another one out there. I really need one that you can select your location on too as I'm in New Zealand so it will all be different from Europe/USA.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Cate,

Stellarium displays them in real-time and is location-specific. Simply click on the desired planet and zoom in (Page Up key). Use the space bar to "lock" your view on the planet otherwise it'll whizz off the screen.

Jupiter 2 provides a lot more detail, but obviously only for Jupe, and you can't set your location. It's a good little application all the same.

Hope you're all well down in NZ - that was a huge quake there today.


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Thank you both for those sites, I was able to go back and find out which ones I'd seen.

I completely forgot that Stellarium did this as well - how stupid!

Yes its all good down under, but too many cloudy nights at the moment. Can't wait for spring!

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