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Any DS users?

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Tell me I am not stupid... there is *no* way to release the Azimuth clutch is there? I'm sure I am not missing anything - is the only way to move it manually to get a hold of it and push it round? (apart from taking the battery box out and undoing the nut that is).


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I have no choice since, upon realising that the PIP4 is going to be running quietly and automatically, I am likely to get very bored very quickly. To counter this, the Berlebach is on the way home (dinnertime tomorrow :) ) and I've dug out this DS mount along with the 102mm triplet that I never seem to use these days. Should keep me quiet for a while...



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Now then, I realise it's been a long while since I used a Meade-driven scope (oddly, the first scope I ever had was a 4504GT, same 494 as this) but I thought "Hey, can't be that bad, can it?" and blithely rewired it for a 12v feed bypassing the battery pack and fired it up. All went as I remembered, right up to the bit where the damned thing starts to move - the dog ran away, the wife ran in from the other room to see what I had done, and the daughter called down the stairs to see what the noise was all about!

Point is, I would like to apologise for my last post on this thread, since one thing this little beastie is most definitely *not* going to do is keep me quiet for a while...


PS - looks cool on the Berlebach though cooldude.gif

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This is cute... the 4" would not balance properly since it has a short tube for imaging so I fitted one of the MM dovetail clamps to the DS and no more problems as I can move it around now. Whilst in the garage this morning I came across an old friend - the old finderscope for Big Blue no less! After spending a few minutes staring at nothing lost in memories, I realised it, also, would now fit on the DS mount. So having gone from no visual scopes two days ago, I now have a choice! Quick couple of twists on the collinobs and it's looking good...



For anyone remotely interested, it's a Celestron FirstScope 114 Short type thingie, f/9 with the built-in corrector bit, pimped to match Big Blue.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Today, I are mostly using one of the 300Ds on the 114 reflector - there is a surprising amount of focus travel left when the camera is focussed...


and checking out the mirror in the mirror through the mirror :)


Still got the Moon only half-filling the FOV. I have a2x Meade barlow here (the one they knocked out before the #140) so I may give that a go later on.


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