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Problem getting image with Tak Epsilon180

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you will see diffraction spikes, certainly. An out of focus star will appear as a round blob with dark lanes where the spider is. If you are seeing this you image is out of focus.

one issue with the epsilons is the limited amount of back focus, meaning most CCD's will not reach focus.

You will need an adapter, that connects to the flattener thread in the focuser of the e180.

my friend used a pentax thread, and this worked. He got that advice from takahashi man, nick hudson at true technology.

If you cannot reach focus (probably cant unless you foresaw this happening), you will need to bring the chip nearer the flattener to reach focus.

hope this helps

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It isn't clear to me what you are seeing. Dave assumes it is just the predictable diffraction spikes but is it more than that? There is a thread on using a Tak collimation tool on the UKAI forum at the moment in the Telescopes-equipment section. The scope in question is also the 180 so it might be useful for you.


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