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Can't set Stellarium to use UTC for all locations

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For the last few years I have been using Stellarium and had only 3 locations showing in the location window, Boston MA, Canary Islands SLOOH, and Chile SLOOH. 

The SLOOH "mission" setup uses UTC for its locations, not the UTC with offset but the straight UTC.  They also show the time for each setup with EDT and PDT.

My copy of Stellarium showed The date and time were as UTC.  at 0001 UTC it would show that time for any of my 3 locations so using the SLOOH setup was easy.  Since they are opening a new observatory in Australia I added "Siding Spring SLOOH" as a new location and suddenly I have lost the time in UTC being the same for all locations.

The only thing I can do is set the time to "System Default" the time stays the same for all 4 location but the sky map changes to the proper configuration, for example at 0001 in Boston it shows the sky at midnight and clicking on Australia shows it at 2 in the afternoon. but the time shows as the system default time.


How can I change the time in the "date and Time" to be UTC?  When I tried a -4 offset for Boston, it made ALL locations -1 which isn't correct.  It used to work but since updating the location and then I also loaded the most recent version I can't figure out how to get the UTC to be correct for all locations.

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Set your system time to be nailed down to UTC?  😉


Easier for me than for you, in that both the UK and the Canneries are on UTC for half the year anyway. The large station-type clock in my observatory is permanently set to UTC and I only very occasionally get confused during the summer. It can throw visitors though.

Needless to say, all my systems are NTP-locked to UTC and DST off-sets are handled automagically by the operating system. Hmm, let me see ...

pcl@thoth:~/Astro/$ ntpq
ntpq> peers
     remote                                   refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset   jitter
 -prod-ntp-5.ntp4.ps5.canonical.com       2 u  730 1024  377  20.7926   0.0878   0.2731
+ntp.uk.eria.one                  2 u  599 1024  377  20.5241   0.6846   0.5124
*ntp.grumpyminx.com                      .PPS.            1 u  736 1024  377  32.6995  -0.1409   0.1186
-moocat.me                         2 u  228 1024  371  22.5736   1.0656   0.5988
+pool.ntp0.cam.ac.uk                2 u  547 1024  377  26.4972   0.1572   0.2299
+183.ip-51-89-151.eu               2 u  681 1024  377  20.6325   0.1942   0.2585
-ntp01.pingless.com                2 u  250 1024  357  30.5780  -0.4706   0.1366

Yup, well within a millisecond of reality.


To be more serious, In my Stellarium 24.4 setting the Time-zone to be UTC +00:00 and checking "Use custom time zone" works as one would expect in the UK, La Palma and Australia in the test just performed.

Edited by Xilman
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