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3-Axis Cell Phone adapters - Celestron NexYZ vs MSM Tridaptor

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I've had the cheap plastic cellphone adapter for 2 years now and I've not been happy with it, to say the very least. 

Few weeks ago I went and bought myself a the Celestron NexYZ 3-axis adapter. It was a pretty good adapter that allowed me to take many nice photos with my cellphone, including a couple of DSOs.

Then the guys at MSM contacted me and asked me if I want to review their 3-axis Tridaptor. I was like, yeah but I am not making any money off my channel and I already bought one so doesn't make sense to buy another one, on the other hand it probably doesn't make sense for you to send me one for free for the whole 1000 people that will see the video. I am a small time hobby guy, not some famous YouTuber.

They were like, nah.. don't worry, it is fine. We'll send you one anyway. 

I had seen the pictures, I had worked with my Celestron adapter and I kind of felt that they had the superior product, so I agreed. It was going to be one of my next videos anyway about the Celestron adapter. A win for everybody, they get the visibility, I get a free adapter, people get a great tip for a legitimately great product.

So here it goes a summary:

  • The cheap plastic adapter is useless. At best it is a headache , at worst it will fall apart in the darkness and drop your phone like a brick to the ground. NOT RECOMMENDED.
  • Celestron NexYZ - pretty good value for the money, it can be obtained for 35-40$ off from AliExpress. What I don't like about it is that it is not fully metal, it is flimsy, has wobbly and loose parts so it is not possible for a rock solid fine-tuning of the cellphone camera to the eyepiece in perfect perpendicularity. 
  • MSM Tridaptor - I did not find any downsides here. The price is higher 69$ with the BlueTooth shutter or 59$ without it (If you have a smart watch with a shutter it may be the better option). You get a 5% discount if you use my code: AstralFields and 10% of the purchase goes to me. I couldn't care less for some pocket change but I figure it is good to know when buying something that you support your favorite creator. They have a lot of affiliates, so it doesn't have to be me. 

You can check the rest of my review here:


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