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Elephant Trunk Nebula in RGB and Hubble Palette

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On the 19th May under a bright Moon (84% waxing) an opportunity arose to try my Redcat51 on the Elephant Trunk Nebula.

There was also a bit of haze in the air and some patchy high cloud but overall it looked possible for some imaging.

So under Bortle class 5 skies I attached my Zwo ASI294MC pro to the Redcat and mounted it on my HEQ5 Mount. I also used the L-eXtreme filter in my imaging train to combat that 'bright Moon' and to help filter out the Ha and OIII wavelengths.

I managed 29 useable subs of 480secs (3.87 hrs total) and also took calibration frames (Darks, Flats and Dark flats). Guiding was good as there was no wind.

I used DSS for stacking the RGB images and then processed these using Photoshop CS, StarnetGUI, GraXpert, and Topaz denoise.

The Hubble Palette image was processed using Siril (HaOIII extraction script) and then loaded into photoshop where selective colour (using Focal Pointe Observatory settings), GraXpert and Topaz denoise were again employed to produce the final image (the RGB starfield was  also used in the HaOIII starless blend).

I wasn't sure how well these would come out (given the night time seeing conditions) but I was pleasantly surprised!!

Hope you like - CC's welcome.


Elephant Trunk RGB Image:



Elephant Trunk SHO (Hubble Palette) Image:


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