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Deep Gasses of M81 M82 & NGC3077

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I was intrigued after seeing images of the "cap" on M82 and wanted to take a deep look (40hrs) at the M81/M82 region in both Ha and OIII. There is a lot of structure around these galaxies and a large arc extending below NGC3077 that I have never seen before. There is also the very intriguing Ho IX 9&10 hydrogen structures just below M81.
In M82 you can see the hydrogen reaching up to the cap although I have read some controversy if that is coincidence or if it is truly part of the starburst outflow.
In the large loop extending below NGC3077 there is listed [CVL2009] Garland-3 identified as the brighter bead on the right of the loop. If anyone has more information on this structure that would be very interesting to read about! There is a ton of cataloged items in M81 to explore more fully.
For the continuum subtracted gas images I used a Foraxx palette to combine them.
I did find a great paper on Ho IX 9&10: https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2005/01/aa1200.pdf
Video I made on my image https://youtu.be/xE-BmVQXg78
Link to Astrobin: https://astrob.in/kf7vjp/0/
Comments appreciated!
Edited by Seti Astro
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