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Hi all, I have the Explorascope 114az and was wondering what is the best sun filter to buy that will fit my telescope please... Also what digital camera is best for it also ( budget).  Many thanks 

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For a sun filter one needs the baader solar film,  have a look on FLO  or buy an Astrozap to fit on the end of the telescope.

If using a finder scope this needs the end covered as well or simply leave the end cap on so as not to cause damage.

Looking at the sun without the correct solar filter /film will cause serious eye damage and or blindness.

Always check the filter before use for damage and stray light that may get through to cause damage, it only takes a pin hole to be dangerous.


Sky at night how to make a solar filter.

BBC Four - The Sky at Night, Make a solar filter

Edited by Naughty Neal
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I doubt that you can buy a full aperture solar filter for this scope, so as Naughty Neal says, you can make one.  Alternatively, you can project the sun's image onto a card.  Just make sure that the eyepiece used contains no plastic parts that could overheat and melt.

1 hour ago, Vinnie said:

Also what digital camera is best for it also ( budget).  Many thanks 

What do you hope to image? If you have the standard manual alt-azimuth mount, this outfit is not well suited to imaging anything.  If you are on a budget, your best move would be to try through the eyepiece shots with a smartphone, starting with the Moon.

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If not wanting to make a solar film filter , I would measure the front diameter to see if a Astrozap size will fit.

The 110 -120 or  120 -130 should fit over the front and tighten with the nylon turn  screws, FLO sell various items.

Alternatively the front cover often has a 50mm or so removable  cover hole , simply securely stick a piece of baader film over the hole on the inside and replace the cront cover to view the sun.

All caveate's need to be followed in checking any film damage  before each use, never assume just because last time it was ok. 

We only get one chance with a pair of eyes, to check solar film filters just hold it up to the sun before using  to check for the sun brightly glinting thru it. There is no harm done in holding up to the sun to look as one isn't magnifying the sun strength by up to 50x or so.


Edited by Naughty Neal
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