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EAA focussing tip

Richard N

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Having just started in EAA I quickly found that unless your computer is by your scope, focussing can be difficult. I didn't want to attach an electronic focusser to, what is in essence, a visual scope, so I found another solution.

I signed up for a free account with Night Skies Network. https://www.nightskiesnetwork.com/ I then used it to screencast the focus graphs from Sharpcap. By logging in with my mobile phone, I could view the screen at the scope. It was then easy to focus. As a bonus, NSN is pretty neat too with several US astronomenrs enjoying my EAA sessions.

How do others do this?

Edited by Richard N
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Hi Richard,

That is a novel solution and much better than my original solution. When I was starting out in EAA, I would adjust the focus and then run back inside and check focus on the screen, repeat until bored. 😀

I'm afraid, very quickly after that I got extremely boring (and less fit 😄) and purchased a Celestron Electronic Focuser. Though, that does allow me to use SharpCap's automatic focussing routines. 

Cool solution and you get to stream live to the world.

Have fun.



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Good idea! I once pulled my brand new laptop off the garden chair and watched it fall to the ground while focusing outside. The laptop survived fortunately.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m a new starter too, having just got a camera for my scope. My solution, inspired by discussions with FLO, was cobbled together from bits I already had. 

I have a plastic crate under the tripod, with EQMOD cable and camera connected to a laptop in the crate. I have a TP-link Powerline adapter which, with the mains extension cable running back to the house, extends my WiFi network out to the scope. 

I then have a laptop in the house, connected to the outdoor laptop using VNC, and a VNC app on my phone, which I use when going outdoors to focus. 

I’m sure I’m not the first so do something similar. 

Next thing to try is setting up ASCOM Server on the remote laptop, so I can have the lid closed on the outdoor laptop. VNC mirrors the laptop display, so if the lid is closed you just get a black screen. 


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  • 2 months later...

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