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ZWO detects "quantum" light?

Dark Raven

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Clickbait title sure, but I came across an interesting article and wanted to share why the photos "caught my eye". 

The article is about using "quantum tech" to detect and potentially treat age-related macular degeneration.

The authors describe their quantum device as:

“So this device we call it structured light, but it is a polarized light with the quantum states. This is why we call it quantum technology in vision sciences. This is the first in the world of quantum physics in collaboration with vision sciences such as optometry and ophthalmology. We generate very specific fibers, which are called optic patterns, using this device and we direct them to the human eye where they can then pinpoint the disorder at its earliest phases,” explained the scientists.


On a closer look, it seemed a bit familiar. Interesting they used a dedicated cooled AP camera without a power cable... 


Details at:


I like any medical progress but slapping quantum on it somehow triggers my buls#%& detector...

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