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Flaming Star Nebula in mustard


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Hi all

October is turning into a real bust, loads of thin high cloud and now heavy rain.  Poo.  But last weekend wasn't a complete loss:

This is a bicolour (R(Ha), G(0.4*Ha+0.6*Sii), B(Sii)) image of the Flaming Star Nebula, IC405 (SH2-229, LBN 795, vdB 34), a crop from a larger frame. The final rendering is with the Foraxx Palette Utility script in PixInsight.  Perhaps the Oiii will come in before the end of the month (or year).






Data taken in Astronomik narrowband filters: Ha (656nm), Sii (672nm). Total exposure time 8.5 hrs.

Ha 1x1 bin - 24x 600s = 4hrs, 14-15 October, seeing 2.0", scope West side, prime focus
Sii 1x1 bin - 27x 600s = 4.5hrs, 16-16 October, seeing 2.3", scope West side, prime focus

Master Lights:
FWHM (pxl)    pre BXT        post BXT
Ha        2.810        1.644
Sii        2.728        1.603

Plate solver:
Resolution ............... 0.938 arcsec/px
Focal distance ........... 998.05 mm
Pixel size ............... 4.54 um
Field of view ............ 42' 25.5" x 31' 6.2"
Image center ............. RA:  5 16 32.938  Dec: +34 24 41.27
Image bounds:
   top-left .............. RA:  5 14 50.759  Dec: +34 40 28.19
   top-right ............. RA:  5 18 17.067  Dec: +34 39 55.07
   bottom-left ........... RA:  5 14 49.441  Dec: +34 09 22.00
   bottom-right .......... RA:  5 18 14.474  Dec: +34 08 49.085

Imaging scope: SW Startravel 150mm F5 Refractor, Baader Diamond Track, (2.5x Celestron Luminos 2inch imaging barlow), Atik 460EX mono

Guide scope: SW Evostar 90mm F10, with guiding XY stage, ZWO 120MM camera

Guiding: 2 stage PHD: high frequency guide scope (mount tracking) and low frequency OAG image train guiding (guidescope flex)

Mount: Home made German Equatorial pillow block mount, permanently rooftop mounted.  Spring loaded DEC axis gearing.

Other gadgets: ST4 based anti vibration shutter, ST4 based PEC




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