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NGC 7331 and ARP 319


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I started this a few weeks back before the Full Moon, collecting 78 x 300s frames. It was still a bit too noisy, so I had to wait until last night for some clear skies after the Moon period.

First time using the ZWO EAF last night, so after setting that up correctly I gathered another 45 subs, 14 of which were rejected for high level cloud, and session stopped 3 hours early due to cloud cover. It wasn't until stacking that I found my camera had been rotated by 16 degrees (!), probably from attaching the EAF, so I've had to be creative with the cropping and the top left corner background clone stamped after star removal to remove the dodgy 31 frame background present there.

Still, I'm happy with the widefield result and the detail I've been able to extract from both NGC 7331 and the Quintet. 

Canon 800Da (no filters) + Starfield 102ED with 0.8 reducer on HEQ5.

Shot at ISO-400, 109 x 300s (09:05:00)

Stacked in ASTAP, edited in SIRIL, Starnet, Topaz DeNoise, AstroDeNoisePY and GIMP

Comments welcome 🙂



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