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IC1396 Elelphant's Trunk with L-eXtreme


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I'm in awe of the quality of some of the photos posted on here and mine isn't a patch on those but I was quite pleased with the results from my first go with the L-eXtreme filter I recently aquired.

This image (processed in DSS and PI) used 4hrs of data using 5 minute subs + Flats + Dark Flats. I was guiding with an ASIAir Mini under what I estimate to be Bortle 4 skies.

I didn't do much extra processing other than the basics but perhaps I could try working on the larger star halos?

It's been a few months since I've done any astrophotography andfound myself having to relearn quite a bit - written down a few notes this time!


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If you have PI then starnet2 process will create star mask for you to process stars separately (if you didn't do this already?).

The nebula is quire noisy and stars have a green cast.  I had a quick play Topaz denoise on the neb and Affinity Photo for hue, level, B&C on the star mask- hope you don't mind.




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44 minutes ago, Sarek said:

Thanks Simon - I like what you did with it.

I've also been having a play this evening with a star reduction script from cosmicphotos.com. Its quite easy to use with plenty of options 


Much prefer this version, well done! 

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