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Landing site of the Chandrayaan-3 module


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I thought I will try to observe the landing site of the Chandrayaan-3 module. The coordianates are listed on the ISRO web page 


I made a map with the location, it is not exactly on the South pole, but about 20 degrees north of it, near Manzinus U crater.



Today the moon is very low in the sky for proper observation, but definitely going to have a look at this area next week.

Edited by Nik271
corrected a typo
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I finally managed to observe the area near Manzinus this morning, it was well positioned and easily visible even in daylight. I used my 70 ED with 6 mm EP giving  x70 magnification framing the Moon well. The loss of contrast from the bright morning sky was not allowing higher powers.

This is the approximate location of the lander marked on the simulated view from 8am this morning. The terminator is advancing rapidly towards it and I expect in a day or two the module and rover will lose solar power and shut down in preparation for two weeks of lunar night. It is unclear if they will survive it. In any case they will have accomplished the planned mission duration fo two weeks.


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