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M27 Dumbbell Nebula

Roy Foreman

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Typical - part way into an imaging run and the clouds roll in.  However, I was amazed at how much nebulosity was recorded in just 35 minutes exposure time at F/10, which is why I am posting this image.  It won't win any prizes in the ultimate quality stakes !

Celestron C9.25 XLT with TS field flattener.

ZWO ASI 6200 MC Pro Full Frame OSC

IDAS NB1 Tri Band Nebula Filter.

35 x 60 sec at gain 400.

Stacked in Affinity Photo.

Lots of faffing about in Photoshop.

Hope you find it interesting and thanks for looking.



2023-08-19 M27 60s NB1.jpg

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28 minutes ago, Bivanus said:

I am looking at your picture with a silent sigh. There is a looong way for me to go until I manage to do something like this.

I know that feeling well !

Astro imaging has a very steep learning curve, but you don't have to have exotic equipment or hours and hours of exposure time to get results, as I hope my image shows. But it has taken many frustrating years of failure to get to the point where I can say 'I think I'm getting the hang of this'.

So stick with it and you will get there. There are lots of knowledgeable people on this forum who will be only too glad to offer assistance if you need it.


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