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Widefield lenses advice

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I have a little dilemma. I want to replace the Canon 450D's kit lens as it is not very fast and the IS is unneccessary. I got a Sigma 28mm f/1.8 lens from eBay for £100, but now I also have the opportunity to get an 18-50mm f/2.8 lens (also Sigma) for £200 and I'm wondering which I should go for.

The lens will be used for astronomical wide-fields only and no ordinary photography.

The 28mm is half the price, and faster, but the zoom lens is still quite fast and offers a great range of focal lengths.

A question to those who do wide fields - what focal length do you find most useful for this work and what lenses do you use the most?



P.S. Oh, and quick replies please if possible:D

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The wider you go the more distrortion you introduce into the field. For an APS-C sensor the sweet spot distortion wise comes out around 24mm.. I have a 10-20mm zoom and an 18-70...

Primes will generally give much better images than Zooms and are usually faster so you can close down a few stops to imrove the star shapes inthe corners and still be as fast as the zoom wide open...


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