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Witch's Broom, Western Veil, SHO composite


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Hi everyone

A quick and dirty process of the Witch's Broom, Western Veil supernova remnant.  Close in crop and the whole frame.

Ha, 42x 300s from 16-17 June  
SII, 46x 300s from 23-24 June
OIII, 48x 300s from 24-25 June



Whole frame:






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The Witch, the Broom, and the Witch's Familiar (lobster like creature playing the piano far left of the stick!), NGC 6960 - SHO composite

Here is a more carefully processed version of the Witch's Broom from June.  Images are the Western Veil supernova remnant: a letter box crop pic, and North and South segments separately.  Also, thanks to an internet 'bot, a fully plate solved and annotated version of the first.


Veil Nebula, supernova remnant, NGC 6960 
Distance: 2,400 lyrs
Diameter: 130 lyrs
Age: 10,000 - 20,000 yrs
Angle subtended: diameter 3 degrees
Magnitude: 7
Constellation: Cygnus, The Swan

Photograph taken in Astronomik narrowband filters: Ha (656nm), Sii (672nm) and Oiii (501nm). Total exposure time 11.3 hrs.

Ha 1x1 bin - 42x 300s = 3.5hrs, 16-17 June, scope West side, prime focus
Sii 1x1 bin - 46x 300s = 3.8hrs, 23-24 June, scope West side, prime focus
Oiii 1x1 bin - 48x 300s = 4 hrs, 24-25 June, scope West side, prime focus

Imaging scope: SW Startravel 150mm F5 Refractor, Baader Diamond Track, (2.5x Celestron Luminos 2inch imaging barlow), Atik 460EX mono

Guide scope: SW Evostar 90mm F10, with guiding XY stage, ZWO 120MM camera

Guiding: 2 stage PHD: high frequency guide scope (mount tracking) and low frequency OAG image train guiding (guidescope flex)

Mount: Home made German Equatorial pillow block mount, permanently rooftop mounted.  Spring loaded DEC axis gearing.

Other gadgets: ST4 based anti vibration shutter, ST4 based PEC

PixInsight: Lights, Darks, Flats, Biases, Align Calibration, Linear fit, BXT, Channel Combination, SCNR(G). StarNet2 star removal/star layer
GradXpert: Gradient removal
Topaz DeNoise AI: Noise removal
Affinity Photo: 32 bit image processing (curves, high pass masking, selective colour)





North segment:


South segment:



Plate solved:



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