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Help with spectral analysis of Sirius

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Hello everything is fine?

I am Brazilian and I am studying a degree in physics, carrying out my research project. For this, I decided to work on a spectral analysis of the star Sirius, but I needed the ready spectrum of it and well, it is difficult to find it here and I have little experience in this matter, I would like to know if you could help me!

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I assume it is Sirius A, the bright main sequence star you want not the faint white dwarf Sirius B? Do you need a high resolution spectrum or will a low resolution spectrum do?

I know what the spectrum should look like and I expected it to be simple to find a spectrum but it is proving surprisingly difficult.

It is not in UVES POP bright stars


and those in the ELODIE archive clearly have a poor flux calibration as it should look like an A1v star


There are some low resolution amateur spectra in the BAA and AAVSO databases but they have obvious problems, either poor flux calibration or poor wavelength calibration or both



I will keep looking and see what I can find



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There are many very high resolution spectra downloadable from the ESPaDOns spectrograph in the polarbase archive





but again the flux calibration is suspect as there are some differences in  the continuum shape between spectra and problems with overlapping echelle orders so probably only the normalised spectra are reliable


Edited by robin_astro
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