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vdb14 and vdb15 in LRGB


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Continuing with my winter project on reflection nebula, this is my LRGB image of vdb14 and vdb15, a pair of reflection nebulae in Camelopardalis.  vdb15 is the larger of the two nebulae surrounding the magnitude 5 star C Cam.  The image comprises 8 hours of luminance data and three hours each of red, green and blue for a total integration time of approximately 17 hours.  It was taken under Bortle 4 skies with a QHY268M through a TS Optics Photoline 130 APO and Antlia Pro LRGB filters mounted on a Losmandy G11.  The data was gathered using SGPro and processed in PixInsight.  I have picked up some annoying halos around a few of the brighter stars, which I think is down to high cloud across a significant number of the nights on which the data was gathered.  Constructive criticism always welcome 🙂



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