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Another C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

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Had the chance a few weeks ago (and before the tail started to form) to capture some data of the C/2022 (ZTF) comet.

I was not sure what was the best sub-frames exposure time and shot 60 secs and 120 secs. Managed to get 30 (26 usable) 60 secs and 16 (14 usable) 120 secs subs. Calibrated with Bias and Flats.

Processed in Pixnsight following View into Space tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pnMkzkn5Xw&t=1024s


Stellamira ED 90 Triplet + Stellamira Flattener/ reducer x0.80

ASI2600MC + 2" L-Pro



I do hope we get a few more hours over the next week or so and manage to capture its gas/ion tail properly.



C_2022 E3 (ZTF).png

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