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More advice on first observatory

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I too am looking to build my first observatory and at present I'm trying to choose the best location for a pier.
I'm in Cardiff, UK and I'm wondering if I should be prioritising the Northern or the Southern skies?

I have a location in the garden with good visibility of the Northern skies and reasonable views of the Southern skies but I don't want to pour a pier only to find it's not in a good spot.

My hope is to construct a small observatory with a cantilever roof using door openers inspired by this project ... https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/622906-micro-observatory-open-roof-concept/.
He also a YouTube channel where he shows the completed project 

His example is mounted on a wall whereas my version will be free standing and constructed from timbers that are currently being stripped from my roof as a result of a loft conversion.
I'd also want the roof to close without having to park the scope in a horizontal position as this makes closing the roof due to rain (quite common in Wales) a simpler automated process .... rain sensor detects rain -> close the roof.

I prefer the cantilever roof to a roll on roll off as ...

1) I think the RORO takes up more room

2) I think the cantilever roof will make it look more like a shed (and draw less attention when closed)

3) I think the cantilever when open will be less susceptible to wind if it is parked reasonably flush to the side of the observatory

I'd be interested in any thoughts from the community


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1 hour ago, justanothermidlifecrisis said:

I too am looking to build my first observatory and at present I'm trying to choose the best location for a pier.
I'm in Cardiff, UK and I'm wondering if I should be prioritising the Northern or the Southern skies?

I would say in general Southern sky is preferable. Northern star is somehow stationary - the same objects just rotates around the pole. Southern sky is both more interesting as more deep sky targets are visible, but also different constellations are travelling across the Southern part of the sky during the year. 

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