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Mars feedback

Matt S

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Be gentle, this was my first outing at trying this:





I seem to have got fringing or some sort of effect going on to the right, is this a focus thing or a seeing/stacking issue?


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You have not specified what size of scope you are using, or the camera, or the size of the captured video, or the programs used to stack and sharpen.  If you are asking for feedback, it helps to give as much detail as possible.

I have not double-checked by comparing your image with one of my recent shots, but have you corrected for the L-R swap introduced by a star diagonal? (You can easily correct this by ticking a box in Registax.)

Overall, your image is not bad and shows a lot of surface detail.

As for the fringing, there is an effect that occurs when trying to process Mars images. it is common enough to have acquired the name of "rind", and is an artificial brightening of the fully illuminated limb of the planet.   It seems to occur with over-sharpening.

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Thanks @Cosmic Geoff,

You’re right - I did mean to include some of that information but I must have forgotten.

Scope: Skymax-127

Camera: ASI678 / no Barlow 

ROI: 640X472

Processed in Autostakkert, Registax for sharpening and Affinity Photo for some small colour / contrast adjustments. 

Still learning my way around things - I didn’t realise there was an option to correct the flip in Registax, I’ll check that out!

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