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Jupiter with Callisto and Europa 24/25th October - bonus Mars


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It unexpectedly developed clear spells last night and as I was getting ready for bed I looked out and was stunned by the the stable seeing. Also knowing there was no jet stream I just had to go out. I was setup by 23:10. 

Of course when I got onto Jupiter it clouded over but after paintently waiting 20 minutes I was rewarded. 
I deceided to try and captire in RAW 16bit this time and knowing the conditions were good I screwed on the barlow to the ADC to give me 1.5x. 

I could instantly see how nice it was. Not brilliant, but still very good and knew I was in with a chance of getting a decent result. 
I know that 16bit is a slower fps but even still, at 1024x768 with am exp of 4 and a gain of 320 I was getting 128fps on average. I totally forgot that when going into RAW16 it disables "High Speed", so when I switched back to RAW8 I couldn't understand why my fps wasn't going back to the 200-300fps I usually get but I just ran with it as I knew my window of time was short. 

All in all I am very happy and is easily my best image yet. With hindsight I should have dialed up my settings to maybe exp of 5 and gain of 350 as in processing I was getting a lot of those funky compression artifacts around the noth pole. Shame but something to remember next time. 

My best result was a 140 second exposure and did two stacks with 15% best and 40% best with the 40% giving me much more detail and scope to work with in registax. The resulting stack was 10k frames. 

I went numb when I saw that I got suface colour and tones on Callisto. I never thought I would achieve such a feat and now I want to add a good 3x barlow to the collection to have for the next night with good seeing and the moons are close. 

There is a lot of noise and I can still see issues in the north but I suspect those were bad exposure choices on my part. 



Meade 2x Barlow - barlow piece attached to the ADC to give 1.5x, or there abouts. 

AS3 and Registax for processing. 


Here is a bonus Mars. I hoped to get some good captures of this but when I got centred on it light could already covered it and by 20-30 seconds into my capture thick cloud rolled in and ended play. I had a good at a stack anyway and this was only a few hundred frames. 



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